All about Bars


The right “one on one” session for you!

All you need to know about the Bars

The aim 

… to empower you at all times to know that you know, to open the door for awareness, the door to energetic abilities and the door to the energetics of beingness that makes YOU the source of what contributes to a different reality, a different time, a different dimension and a different matter.

… to know that you are as great as every one of us. As each one of us steps into the greatness, the possibility that gets created for all of us is infinitely greater.
…. to know the one thing you have available always is choice
Access Consciousness is about getting out of the matrix of this reality and into a space of choice and possibility.

… So …

Does it seem like there are only a few choices available in your life?
Are you always wondering Where do I fit? How can I benefit? What does it take to win? How can avoid losing?
Is there an answer to these questions that actually works? Or is it that you never seem to get it right?

During a session, you will discover how decisions, judgments, conclusions, reasons, justifications and beliefs create your reality and gain awareness of your potency as an infinite being to transform what isn’t working for you.

You will learn about simple, easy to use tools that empower you to recognize truth from lies and enable you to utilize language and energy to generate your life the way you would like it to be.

What are The Bars?

There are 32 bars of energy that run through and around your head. They store the electromagnetic component of all the thoughts, ideas, attitudes, decisions and beliefs that you have ever had about anything. There are bars for Healing, Body, Control, Awareness, Creativity, Power, Aging, Sex and Money just to name a few. Each thought, idea, attitude, decision or belief that you have fixed in place solidifies the energy and limits your capacity to be generative in that area, to have something different show up in your life with ease.
Have you ever tried to talk to someone who has their mind made up about something? Is it like trying to get through a brick wall? That's because it IS a wall; an energetic wall. Every time you take a point of view, you create another wall. For example, if you say, "I'm never doing that again!" That decision stops the energy and limits what you can receive. Does a decision like that create more choice in your life or less? Would it create an impact on your body? Fortunately, this can be changed easily and quickly.
By running energy through these Bars the barriers dissipate and the electromagnetic charge is released. Releasing stuck energy is like deleting old files off your computer. You have more space to create something new and wonderful with more up to date tools!
How does the process work? Running the Bars is a simple, non-invasive, energy process where the facilitator lightly touches each point on the head to release the energy, a process which can be done by distance. Receiving this process, i.e. “having your Bars run,” usually leaves you with a sense of peace and space and a feeling like there is more possibility open to you. This is an incredibly dynamic process that will not only leave you feeling refreshed and relaxed as if you have had a deep restful sleep or a really great massage, but it can also change your life.
This technique can be used in conjunction with any other bodywork and can be used to facilitate change in all areas of life.

What is changing the tape, clearing processes?

 A clearing process is very personal and takes the form of a verbal session which allows you to quickly clear anywhere any limitations in any area of your life, be it money, career, relationships, success, health and potency etc.

You will be astounded at the speed & shifts that occur and the changes that you will be able to perceive and experience in your life after such sessions.

What is an energetic facelift? Is it a facelift without surgery or Botox?

This technique can tighten and tone the skin, rejuvenating and revitalising the face, minimising wrinkles and frown lines, removing stress from the face and body, maximising a healthy young looking skin.

Such a process removes the ideas and beliefs we have about aging which tend to speed up the rate at which we age and gather wrinkles, hence allowing a more youthful countenance and inner glow which shines through...and a slowing of the aging process.

Some clients have noticed immediate benefits and changes.... yet a series of 10 - 20 sessions is recommended for lasting change.

Booking a session and fees