Nov 23, 2011


Our new web address on line now!

Brenton Grosser-Czech
Founder of Interface Body Works©
Independent Consultant, Facilitator, Massure and Teacher
“At Brenton-Consulting we are dedicated in facilitating you into the life you were born to live and the world of infinite possibilities” Brenton Grosser-Czech.
Skype: brenton-consulting
Twitter: brentonconsulti

Nov 12, 2011

Newsletter November 2011 BE YU Well-Being

This Newsletter was a sent to me and I just had to share it. I can only say that Trilby Johnson from BE YU Well-Being, is body worker that I can exceedingly recommend. Enjoy the newsletter.

Hello Beautiful People,

Well if your month of October was anything like mine, I blinked …… and it was over ;-) It was an extremely intense month of clearing anything that no longer served me, even the stuff I wanted to hold on to – a true and profound Spring Cleansing of the Soul. It was about confronting all my fears head-on, conscious and subconscious, and finally surrendering into Self.  I now know that when it comes to fear there are two options: i) either you will die of fear or, ii) either the fear will die.  As you may have surmised from the fact of reading this Newletter, option ii) triumphed!! J

I find it to be true, that we often teach what we need to learn. It means taking a truly honest and profound look at what is showing up in Life and being willing to ask questions about what else is possible and what can I change here? It is about standing steadfast in one’s own knowing, regardless of the intentions, good or not good, of those around us, whether they be people that we care for or not.  Remember, no one knows you better than yourself – you are the Master of your own Life. So the good news is, if something is not showing up as you would like it to, embrace the situation, stamp, scream, express the feelings, talk to someone about it ……  and then …… choose what you want.

I have spent so many years of my life, looking at the things I didn’t like in or want in my life, instead of simply focusing on that which I want.  So when all the debris starts to float to the surface of your Life, recognise it for what it is …….. debris from the past. Surround yourself with people who support and listen to you unconditionally if possible. And if you truly do not have someone like that, then go into Nature and speak to the Elements – the wind, the rain, the sun – they do not care and will simply be there for you. As crazy as it sounds – hugging a tree can and does help J

So, as we forge ahead in November, can you feel the excitement and energy mounting?  I certainly can. Information is coming in so fast that and I have to keep nimble to keep up with the updates.

I am really excited about the Special Meditation evening this Friday, which is 11/11/11. I feel it is important not to underestimate how lucky we are to be alive and kicking at this special time in our Earth’s Expansion.  If you wish to attend this great evening to celebrate this event – YOU MUST CONFIRM YOUR ATTENDANCE PLEASE, as space is limited. It starts at 7.30pm and will probably last about 2 hours. The cost is $15.

Now if you missed the rave write-up article about Facial Radiance™ in the November issue of This & That News November, you can read it here:    Especially for you, and to thank you all for your support over the last few months, I am offering you your 1st Facial Radiance™ session at $25 savings. Now for what reason would you not choose this for you? Please mention the following code when making your booking, to ensure you get your saving: PROMOTION CODE: FR1

I also have some lovely Gift Certificates available if you would like to offer someone the gift of a treatment with me.

About Me on Motivational Radio by Karyn Janelle Davis
Yay!!I have had my first Radio Interview last week and it will be up for broadcast on Thursday 10th November on at 10am. There is a competition, so please tune in.
I will be giving away a free 30 minute distance session of Energetic Coaching to 1 lucky listener. To participate in the competition, once you have listened to the show, email the answer to
Also, 3 lucky listerners will receive $20 off their first 30 minutes Energetic Coaching distance session with me.

Please contact me by email, suggesting at least 3 times they are available, the location and time zone and what you wish to work on. I will contact you.

To be in to win you must mention PHRASE: Just the Right Well-Being For You!

RADIO INTERVIEW – Massage: the Healing Power of Touch
I will also be interviewed by Kim Knight from the Art of Health on 2nd December at 10am, where I will be talking about Massage, one of my favourite modalities. Please join in to listen – your support would be so appreciated. Here is where you can register:
The call will be recorded, so if you are not able to listen live you will receive the recording. Even if you think you know what massage is, let yourself be surprised J

Well, with this month of November well underway, I wish you a splending month filled with abundance of every kind.
Remember that you are here to shine your Light, so that others too may find their way. BE YOU and CHANGE THE WORLD!

Namaste and blessings to you all.

With Gratitude, Light and Laughter.

Trilby Johnson
BE YU Well-Being
Ph: 03 579 3203 or 021 056 4300

Choosing is easier if

“Choosing is easier if you value the abilities you are being today and foster an appetite to be this being each second”
-Brenton Grosser-Czech

Can too many options hider?

Options and too many options stymie most people, so they don’t decide or that dislike their conclusion, but we can choose to re-learn, to make life easier and follow the path of possibilities.- Brenton Grosser-Czech  

awaken to the dynamism

“When you awaken to the dynamism of that creative impulse in yourself, the only place you will feel truly comfortable is at the very edge of the leading edge-where, in every moment, everything is possible and new potentials continually emerge”.
Andrew Cohen

Inherent choice baises

One can work against ones inherent choice biases living in the shadows of the “what if”.


One can work from the inherent biases of choice, us the ability and possibilities to choose and make choices and thrive as one was born to do.

Oct 15, 2011

Réhabilitation Audio-Psycho-Phono à l’Association STELIOR à Genève

Semaine de Thérapie Individuelle Intensive selon la
Méthode Prof. Borghese : Réhabilitation Audio-Psycho-Phono
à l’Association STELIOR
du 24 au 28 Octobre 2011
La nouvelle équipe de thérapeutes francophones formée par le professeur Borghese (médecin phoniatre spécialisé en autisme) vous offre l’opportunité d’un TRAITEMENT INDIVIDUEL  intégrant tous les aspects du profil communicatif, soit une REHABILITATION PERCEPTIVE + COGNITIVE + RELATIONNELLE + COMMUNICATIVE
Objectifs :
1.    Offrir aux familles (y compris celles habitant loin de Genève) l’opportunité de pouvoir accéder à un planning de réhabilitation individuelle et complète enrichi de l’expérience d’une professionnelle italienne pratiquant depuis longtemps  la méthode Borghese,
2.    Instaurer un programme de travail répondant aux nécessités de votre enfant,
3.    Vous expliquer le travail fait par les thérapeutes avec votre enfant,
4.    Vous expliquer les priorités à travailler avec votre enfant et vous donner des outils à mettre en place à la maison,
5.    Proposer pour chaque famille un thérapeute réfèrent en ce qui concerne la réhabilitation Audio-Psycho-Phono,
6.    Prévoir avec le thérapeute réfèrent les suites éventuelles du traitement,
7.    DE PLUS, l’Association Stelior donne la possibilité aux familles de suivre des cours de cuisine sans gluten et sans produits laitiers lors de cette semaine (inscription nécessaire auprès de Gilda tél +41 78 826 66 60).

Conditions de participation :
INSCRIPTION OBLIGATOIRE auprès de la biologiste et thérapeute :
PhD Patrizia Latorre
1.    Par email  (ou par SMS) : (+41 78 641 14 69) en spécifiant le motif de votre message de même que votre numéro de téléphone sur lequel vous rejoindre à midi ou à 20h le soir.
2.    Participation financière : 200.- CHF.
3.    Les séances seront programmées sur RDV au moment de l’inscription définitive.

Oct 12, 2011

Véronique HUEHN, Exposition octobre 2011

Le Nouveau Vallon 

route de Vallon 8                 Chêne-Bougeries GE

Véronique HUEHN 

Exposition du 15 au 23 octobre 2011

Tous les jours de 10h à 12h et de 14h à 19h (dimanche inclus) 

Elle "sculpte" ses toiles beaucoup plus qu'elle ne le peint. 
Souvent, Véronique se laisse imprégner par un paysage pendant un moment et plus tard, alors qu'elle travaille un tableau, elle en restitue les couleurs qui s'imposent d'elles-mêmes.  Elle peint surtout la nature et ses fleurs sont magnifiques ce qui nous donne envie de se promener dans ses toiles et vous pourrez le faire dans notre galerie ! 

Ses Expositions :
1976,       Galerie Zwahlem, Genève
1977        Nationale Suisse, Genève
1978        Galerie de la Gruyère, Fribourg
1978        Helvetia-Vie, Genève
1980        Helvetia-Vie, Genève
1983        Galerie Chausse-Coq, Genève
1985        Galerie Chausse-Coq, Genève
1989        World Economic Forum Annuelle Meeting, Symposium de Davos
1989        La Manoir, Cologny
1991        La Primaire, Conches
1993        L’Atelier, Romainmôtier
1994        La Manoir, Cologny
1995        La Manoir, Cologny
1995        La Maison Robert Gillard, Sion
1996        Villa du Chêne, Jardin botanique, Genève
1999        Le Nouveau Vallon, Chêne-Bougeries
2002        Le Nouveau Vallon, Chêne-Bougeries
2005        Le Nouveau Vallon, Chêne-Bougeries
2008        Le Nouveau Vallon, Chêne-Bougeries
2011        Le Nouveau Vallon, Chêne-Bougeries


Why are people trying to wear hats that do not fit?

Are you trying to wear a hat that is not made for you? 

How many hats are you try to wear?

Do any of them fit you in reality?

What will it take to change? 

What are the expansive possibilities? 000™

Sep 21, 2011


“Create the reality you require to be 1 2 3
Be Ease be joy be glory  1 2 3
Ask the question to expand 1 2 3
Be the path you know to be 1 2 3
The energy of being is with in you see!” 0 0 0 ™. Brenton Grosser-Czech

Sep 14, 2011

You came with wonderful gifts................

By believing passionately in something that still does not exist, we create it. Franz Kafka

You come with wonderful gifts and special talents. Your journey is to unearth, discover and use them all maximally. What of your basket will you play with today?

Sep 13, 2011

Massages corporels et musculaires avec Brenton a Genève

Masseur Bilingue anglais/ français sur rendez-vous

Massage classique, sportif, relax, bien-être &  sur mesure.   

Massage peut être défini comme étant la manipulation systématique et manuelle des tissus mous du corps dans le but thérapeutique de favoriser la santé et le bien être. 
Le massage est une compétence multidimensionnelle comprenant un vaste éventail de techniques toujours en évolution dont la plupart sont issues du système suédois. Nous connaissons tous très bien la valeur des massages dans la lutte contre le stress et les tensions de la vie moderne. Les athlètes, les sportifs et les danseurs incluent le massage dans leurs entraînements afin de les aider à récupérer et à prévenir ou à traiter les blessures des tissus mous.
Je mélange diverses techniques. Suivant les séances, nous adressons vos besoins spécifiques et ceux de votre corps. Généralement, la manipulation des tissus mous du corps ( c.-à-d. la peau, les muscles, les tendons, les ligaments et les fascias) par les mains est une technique de massage douce et souple qui utilise des degrés variés de mouvements de pression et d’étirement. Le massage est habituellement utilisé pour relaxer et améliorer le bien être.

Les effets du massage
Afin de comprendre les bénéfices et les effets du massage, il est important de considérer la façon dont le corps répond physiologiquement au massage.
Le massage implique deux sortes de réponses :
·    Une réponse mécanique qui résulte de la pression et du mouvement lors de la manipulation des tissus mous.
·           Une réponse réflexe induite par la stimulation des nerfs.

Les bienfaits du massage
Effets physiologiques du massage sur:
       La structure du squelette,
       Le système musculaire,
       Le système lymphatique,
       Le système nerveux, 
       La peau,
       Le système respiratoire,
       Le système digestif,
       Le système urinaire,

Le massage peut permettre une mobilité accrue des articulations en diminuant tout épaississement des tissus connecteurs. Il peut en outre permettre de se débarrasser des limitations au niveau des fascias.
Le massage enlève la dureté musculaire, la raideur, les spasmes et les ankyloses dans les tissus musculaires.
Il stimule également le système parasympathique nerveux en favorisant la relaxation et en diminuant le stress.
Réduire le stress et l’anxiété en relaxant le corps et l’esprit.

Brenton est un masseur bilingue anglais/ français

Un massage à vos résidants, bureau ou hôtel; 

1.             30 minutes        80Frs

2.             60 minutes      160Frs

3.             90 minutes      240Frs  

Prenez un rendez-vous maintenant cliqué sur ici !


Aug 30, 2011

Liebe Freunde des Zero – Balancing, PraktikerInnen und Interessierte

Liebe Freunde des Zero – Balancing, PraktikerInnen und Interessierte
Es gibt eine Terminänderung für den Kurs mit Fritz Smith im 2012.
Neu findet der Kurs vom 12. bis 15 Juli 2012 statt. Danke für Euer Verständnis.
Im Anhang findet Ihr ein Bild, welches wir für den neuen Flyer brauchen werden.
Ihr hab die Möglichkeit, dieses Bild in verschiedenen Grössen bei Silvana zu bestellen.

Licht und Liebe
Zero Balancing Association Schweizc/o Atelier Turmalin, Zentrum für sanfte MedizinPostfach 19 / Freiburgstrasse 25CH – 3280 Murten

Aug 22, 2011

Ascension Earth 2012: Message from the Pleiadians 8/21/11

Ascension Earth 2012: Message from the Pleiadians 8/21/11: The whole point here is to allow others to live in peace and prosperity. Holding back others to gain wealth for yourself is a crime again...

Ascension Earth 2012: NASA to Meet with Government Officials & Vatican t...

Ascension Earth 2012: NASA to Meet with Government Officials & Vatican t...

getaway Rental property in Lisbon Portugal

Great location lake and city views.

Nestled against the walls of Castelo São Jorge (castle) in the centre of Lisbon, this charming apartment enjoys an exceptional location in the old part of town and stunning views over the Baixa (centre), river and Ponte 25 de Abril (bridge). The castle, Sé (cathedral) and legendary 28 tram are just 3 minutes walk away and the Baixa with its shops, Metro, monuments and museums can be reached by foot within 5-7 minutes, making the apartment the perfect base for sightseeing, eating out or simply relaxing on the roof terrace under the castle walls. Despite its central location it is well away from the noise and bustle of downtown Lisbon on account of its position on top of the hill which also ensures cool evening breezes and breathtaking sunsets.
The apartment is on the 3rd floor (no lift/elevator)of a 18th century palace built by Conde (Count) de Penafiel, the royal postmaster, and the building still displays his coat of arms carved in stone. Laid out on two floors, it consists of a living room, study, hall/dining area, ample bathroom and kitchen with original 18th century hand-painted tiles and stone fireplace surround, roof terrace and two double bedrooms. It should be noted that the bedrooms are under the eaves of the building and therefore standing height is limited (although the 6 foot owner has lived there happily for many years)and the stairs leading to the bedrooms have limited handrail protection making the flat unsuitable for disabled people or young children.
The owners, who still use the apartment as their home, provide local information about to getting around, where to eat and what to see.

Aug 13, 2011

Bliss (Om Shanti) slides?

  What is the bliss I be? 000

Choosing the rock

Each experience in our lives is, a rock that can be used to create the future. Choosing the rock we keep to build this present and future is the joy of being a creator!  Do not be afraid to reject the rocks that are too heavy and can no longer be of use to the project of being you….. 000

Brenton Grosser-Czech
Founder of Interface Body Works©™ “Mind, Body & Soul”
Independent Consultant
Teacher & Facilitator

we are dedicated in facilitating you into the life you were born to live and the world of infinite possibilities” Brenton Grosser-Czech.

Face Book:Brenton at  Brenton-Consulting
Skype: brenton-consulting
Twitter: brentonconsulti

Aug 7, 2011

energy and the power of the word in the age of being........

The "word" is a tool we use each day, it can divide and or bring unity.  If we stay in the field of energy (vibration) and the space of expansion we can not be misunderstood. We can all have our own and collective ideas and work to wards the awareness each of us be.  In the age of being which I perceive is not we have the choice and choices to be as we were born to be and live in a world of infinite possibilities.    
This is just one of the points of view of Brenton Grosser-Czech 
Founder of Interface Body Works©™ “Mind, Body & Soul”
Independent Consultant
Teacher & Facilitator

"At Brenton- Consulting we are dedicated in facilitating you into the life you were born to live and the world of infinite possibilities” Brenton Grosser-Czech.
Face Book:Brenton at  Brenton-Consulting
Skype: brenton-consulting
Twitter: brentonconsulti

Jul 28, 2011

Any diagnosis,

Any diagnosis, 

Whether good or bad, becomes a limitation if you align and agree with it.

 What will it take to remain in the question and keep on asking what else 

is possible?

With thanks to;
Trilby Johnson


I will not tolerate abuse in any form.

I have power!

I will not let others use me.

I am a divine child!

I will sift out friends, keeping the good.

That is my responsibility!

Like the skunk, I will learn when to be disagreeable.

That is my right!

With thanks to;
Malissa Cotton to
Rainbow Wolf Warrior/ Healing Nation