Sep 9, 2010

Live it and watch your life change in remarkable great ways!

You may feel that you have no ability to control the externals but you certainly have tremendous and final control over your internals. You are conscious choice maker. 

Practice it. 

Live it & watch your life change in remarkable great ways!

What else is possible? 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dear Brenton,

shouldn't we simply stop thinking that externals are "done to us" and see that they are only happening, without a negative intention.

As we are all parts of the same universe, there is no "them" and "us". Therefore, negative actions against one another are in fact against the universe.

In the same way, positive thoughts and actions that are done towards others are done to the universe and therefore to ourselves.

Give to someone and you give to yourself. Feel free to give to yourself as you are then giving to the universe !

Having said that, it's good to see you are posting again !
