May 8, 2011

Divine Energy ? Dear beloved divine Masculine


Dear Beloved Divine Masculine,
With awareness I apologize that for so many years I choose not to acknowledge your presence fully.

I apologize that I choose to hide how expansive and important your gifts, your principles, your ways are and how you compliment the gifts, principles and ways of the Feminine.

I apologize that I choose not to share the knowing that your heart is as tender.

By choose to focus and teaching that divine energy only be feminine in witch creating a false belief as reality. 

That I choose to respond, by feeling allergic to me and the masculine being that I be, sensing being male as weakness.

Dear Beloved Masculine,

I apologize for choosing to demand that you think differently, act differently, and be anything different than you are.

I apologize that I could not see that I am you and you are me, that I am a vessel of Divine Energy Masculine & Feminine.

Dear Beloved
I love and honour you for who I am.
I love and honour you for the ways I am.
I love and honour you and without I the world would be incomplete.

Without I the circle of all life is broken and disharmonised.

I honour I and open my eyes and heart to see the Divine principles in all male and female.

I choose to open my eyes and heart to see where we reflect one another and where the differences create a synergistic Union.

Dear Beloved Divine energy
I choose forgive me and I honour the divine within me.


Brenton Grosser-Czech. Independent Consultant and Facilitator,
Founder of Interface Body Works©™ "Mind, Body & Soul"
What else is possible? Quoi d’autre est possible?

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