Mar 15, 2011

Heart Brian an interesting point of view?

Modern science confirms what the ancient knew: your brain is not the sole commander; your heart is not simply a mushy, touchy, feely space. The Heart is a deep endless reservoir of the highest knowing and intelligence. So be in touch with the heart’s energy when making decisions and before taking action. Don’t simply rely on your mind-brain intellect—the head brain. Don’t ignore what may be your most profound deep well of unfiltered information and guidance. Learn to also think with the heart brain. The heart brain may be beyond karma. It goes directly to source energy without any filters.

.......the human heart, in addition to its other functions, actually possesses the equivalent of its own brain, what they call the heart brain, which interacts and communicates with the head brain. This heart brain communicates with the brain via a number of pathways, and the brain in turn communicates with the heart. Between them they continually exchange critical information that influences how the body functions... The heart sends messages to the brain via – neurologically, biochemically, biophysically and energetically channels.
*** with thanks to those that bring this to our attention, Brenton Grosser-Czech

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